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Selectmen Minutes June 9, 2003
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, June 9, 2003 at 7:35 p.m.

Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman; Eric W. Greene, Clerk; David L. Walsh
Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Department Update
Water Commissioners, David Coots, Robert Reardon and Howard Wilbur and Water Dept. Supt. Scott McCann met with the Board for an update on their Department.

Mr. Coots went over the budget amounts left in the various line items and noted that the department should complete the fiscal year without need for additional funds.

Mr. McCann explained several projects the department is working on, which included:
1. replacement of pipe on Summer and Belmont Streets
2. laying of additional piping to connect Central and Franklin Streets, which has reduced the problems associated with a dead end pipe
3. will purge main along East Street to well site
4. Hydrant flushing will finish on June 12; approximately 700 hydrants in town

A discussion was held regarding the problems residents are experiencing with red water in their homes. Mr. McCann explained that this was caused from the treatment that is put into the water at the pumping station. As there was a reduction of water consumption during the winter, the solution remained in the pipes and loosened material in pipes. When the cause was realized by the department, the treatment was cut back and they began the hydrant flushing as soon as possible.

Mr. McCann noted that three was an article regarding water bans in the newspaper, but at this time the town does not have one in place. Noted that the department would appreciate residents using conservation measures, i.e. odd/even watering, hand held hoses, etc.

A discussion was held regarding water mains, those with old iron piping and areas where this piping is still in place.

Mr. Walsh suggested that when there is a water problem within the Town that the Water Commissioners could come before the Board at Open Forum and inform the Town of the problem and causes. Noted that this evening, they had answered the questions, which he had regarding the discoloration of water.

Board thanked the Commissioners for attending this evenings meeting.

John Kowaleski and Tom Burke met with the Board relative to the application for a Common Victualer license. Mr. Kowaleski explained that his plan is to place a mobile hot dog stand on the property at 378 Pleasant Street/Crocetti's. The stand will sell hot dogs, chips and soda and will be stored in the Crocetti building at night. Stand will be on easterly side of building next to used car building.

Mr. Kowaleski asked if the license would cover his moving stand to a different location during the day. Board stated that they felt that he would need to place an addendum to license for all locations where the stand would be located. Mr. Kowaleski stated that at this time, he would remain at one location.

A discussion was held regarding whether there would be any employees working the stand. Mr. Kowaleski stated that he would be the only employee.
Board of Selectmen -2- June 9, 2003

Mr. Greene questioned whether there should be liability insurance for the licensee. Felt that there might be a need to require this for the license. Noted that licenses housed within a building would have liability insurance. Asked Town Counsel to give Board an opinion on this matter.

Mr. Greene requested that a restriction be placed on the license that all trash be removed daily. Board members agreed to this restriction and Mr. Kowaleski stated that he had no problem with the restriction.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve issuing a Common Victualer license to John Kowaleski dba John K's Food Service, 378 Pleasant Street; Hours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Restriction: All rubbish to be removed daily.

Open Forum
No one was present.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request for use of the John Silva Athletic Complex submitted by Raymond Ponte, 43 Broadmeadow Drive, for E.B. Youth Basketball Association Summer Basketball League from July 7 to August 14, Monday - Thursday, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the list of Poll Workers submitted by the East Bridgewater Democratic Town Committee for FY04 as follows:

Wardens: Fred Chapman
Florence Sexton
Gordon Hatfield
Edward Sklut

Clerks: Dolores Meaney
Brian Fitzgerald
Allison McLaughlin

Tellers: Cecelia Chapman Leona C. Lyon
Lila Curley Diane Philips
Marie Day Joseph J. Pulgini
Edna L. Donoghue Katherine Sklut
Mary Hatfield David Tedesco
Linda Libby Jennifer Turner
Harold S. Lyon, Jr. Melissa Turner

M/Greene, S/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move the reappointment of Donna Morris as Animal Control Officer and approve a contract between the Town of East Bridgewater and Donna Morris for the period of July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Stipend Agreement between the Town of East Bridgewater and Jeannette Arruda as Voter Registration Information System Officer for the period of July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve returning the Request for Rezoning of Property to Attorney Michael A. Kelly for a full and complete description of the referenced property.

Board of Selectmen -3- June 9, 2003

It was noted that this request was directed to the Selectmen, as it would be a warrant article for a by-law change. The procedure would be that the Selectmen would refer the request to the Planning Board for their action and place this on a town meeting warrant.

Mr. Hardy announced that all contracts have been wrapped up, including the changes to insurance. Noted that he has negotiated with the Chief of Police an addendum to his contract relative to change in insurance to 20%/80%.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve signing the addendum to the contract between the Town of East Bridgewater and Chief of Police John L. Silva.

1. Public Safety Day - June 14 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
2. Festival of the Arts - June 13 - 15
3. Vacancies - Finance Committee, Planning Board Alternate, Old Colony Elderly Services Alternate.

Mr. Hardy thanked Mr. Greene and Mr. Walsh for making time in their schedules to attend the Lt. Governor's Round Table Discussion on Friday and represent East Bridgewater.

Board Discussion
Mr. Hardy noted that the Board would start their discussion regarding the position of Town Administrator. Noted that he and Mr. Walsh have garnered information, which has been provided in a packet for all Board members.

Discussion was held regarding how position should be changed, i.e. by-law, home rule petition, charter. Mr. Hardy noted that he had spoken with Mike Jaillet, Town Administrator in Westwood who recommended a by-law as the best way to proceed.

Mr. Greene stated that he felt that home rule was the way to go and explained his reasons.

A discussion was held with Board members expressing their opinions regarding how to change to new position.

Mr. Walsh explained the Government Study Committee's findings.

Discussed the different job descriptions presented to the Board from various towns/

Mr. Walsh felt that the Government Study Committee and interested residents should be invited to attend the Board's meetings and to give their input on the job description and how they felt the position should be changed.

Mr. Greene suggested that the Board use the off Mondays in the summer to work on only the Town Administrator position. Stated that he felt that the board should take its time and not rush into the change in position.

A discussion was held regarding the vacancy in the position of Executive Secretary and how the Board should handle the vacancy.

Mr. Hardy suggested that George Samia could be appointed in the interim to oversee the office and to handle any problems, etc that arise. Noted that the Board needs someone knowledgeable in procurement.

Mr. Botelho explained the procurement officer's duties.
Board of Selectmen -4- June 9, 2003

Mr. Greene stated that he felt that the Board should hire an outside consultant/interim to manage the office relative to the correspondence, phone call, etc. Felt that there was a need for someone in the office full time.

Mr. Hardy questioned how the office was run during the previous vacancy between Mr. Clifford leaving and Mr. Botelho beginning his duties. It was noted that the position had been vacant for over 6 months and that Mrs. Grabau had run the office.

Mr. Hardy felt that Cathy Johnson's hours could be increased to help with the additional work during the vacancy in the position.

Further discussion was held as to how the vacancy will be handled. Board will discuss further next week; Mr. Hardy will garner additional information.

Mr. Walsh suggested that the Board have an e-mail link for residents to reach them with comments relative to the position. Felt it could work the same as the link for the Government Study Committee.

Mr. Walsh updated the Board on the Sewerage Committee meetings. Noted that the next meeting is June 26 and that the Board of Health and School Committee have been invited.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation matters and will not be returning to Open Session.

VOTE: Yes - Walsh, Greene, Hardy; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Board of Selectmen